Honorable Abu Samson
Honorable Abu Samson is the District Chief Executive for Lawra District. Honorable Samson was appointed to this position in 2009 by President John Atta Mills with 100% approval of the members of the district assembly. As Chief Executive, Honorable Samson is responsible for the total development of all sectors of the district. Previously, Honorable Samson served as the Administrator of Lawra District Hospital. Honorable Samson is committed to improving healthcare in Lawra.

Dr. Abdulai Abukari
Dr. Abdulai Abukari is the Medical Director of Tumu Hospital. Dr. Abukari is the former Medical Director of Lawra District Hospital. Dr. Abukari received his M.D. at the University of Istanbul and subsequently returned to Ghana where he has been serving the people in the poorest regions of the country. Dr. Abukari is committed to assisting MedPLUS Connect improve both the quality and quantity of health care available to people across Ghana.

Josh Posen
Josh Posen served as the MedPLUS Connect 2011-2012 In-Country Director. While based in Ghana, Josh coordinated multiple shipments for MedPLUS. Josh holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology and a certificate in Markets and Management from Duke University. He spent a year working for the host broadcaster of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and also worked as a Research Assistant for the Mobility Clinical Research Unit at St. Michael's Hospital in Toronto, Canada. He recently completed the Goucher College Post-baccalaureate Premedical Program, and is currently a MD Candidate. He previously volunteered at the Nsutaman Polyclinic in the Ashanti region of Ghana.

Philip Gennett
Phil Gennett was the co-initiator of original MedPLUS Connect model & idea, and team member of initial Carolina Challenge team. Phil Gennett is a Vice President of Institutional Sales and Trading at Carolina Capital Markets in Chapel Hill, NC. He has been instrumental in cultivating and supporting the entrepreneurial environment at the university level and is extremely passionate about incubating social entrepreneurship in particular. Phil studied Economics and Entrepreneurship at UNC-CH.

Chuck Lovelace
Chuck Lovelace became the third Executive Director of the Morehead-Cain Foundation in 1987. The Morehead-Cain is a prestigious four year scholarship to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Morehead-Cain also includes a vibrant network of nearly 3,000 Morehead-Cain Alumni. Mr. Lovelace received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1977.

Virginia Carson
Virginia Carson is the past Director of the UNC-Chapel Hill Campus Y Volunteer Organization. Virginia graduated from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1971 and went on to law school at Columbia University. She practiced communications and corporate finance law in Washington, D. C. from 1974 until 1989, finishing her work in the Washington office of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. After law practice, she organized Capital Kids' Radio Company to purchase and operate radio stations in Washington and Baltimore. The company inaugurated a music-based format for children and parents, combining news and features written for children with music that the family could enjoy together.Along with operating the radio stations, Ms. Carson worked as an arbitrator, mediator and trainer of arbitrators and mediators for American Arbitration Association and the National Association of Securities Dealers. In Washington, Ms. Carson served on the Board of Directors for Healthy Babies Project, a private non-profit organization providing counseling and access to pre-natal care for disadvantaged and homeless pregnant women.

Eileen Hannan
Eileen Hannan is the Program Manager for student programs at the Semiconductor Research Corporation's Education Alliance. Formerly, she served as Program Officer at the Carolina Center for Public Service at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She received both her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Master of Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her primary role at the Center was to coordinate the Public Service Scholars program, from which Emma Lawrence, Emily Nix and Lauren Slive graduated!

Dr. Etta Pisano
Dr. Etta Pisano is currently the Dean of the College of Medicine at the University of South Carolina. Previously, Dr. Pisano served as the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs in the UNC School of Medicine for four years. She was also the Kenan Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering and Director of the UNC Biomedical Research Imaging Center, which studies ways to develop and use technology to treat cancer and heart disease, among other ailments. Dr. Pisano was named one of "20 Most Influential People" in radiology by Diagnostic Imaging in 2002 and one of America's best breast cancer doctors by Redbook in 2001. Dr. Pisano served as principal investigator in Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trial (DMIST), which showed that digital mammograms are as reliable as film mammograms and are better at finding breast cancer in young women and those with dense breast tissue. Along with her co-inventors, she founded the company NextRay to develop this technology. Dr. Pisano received an A.B. in Philosophy from Darthmouth College, and her M.D. from Duke University.

Karen James
Karen James is the Director of Enrichment and Advising with the Morehead-Cain Foundation. Previously, Ms. James was Associate Director of Advising and Admissions for the Business Administration Program at Kenan-Flagler Business School. During this time, she also was an advisor for the Honors Program and Academic Advising in the College of Arts & Science. Prior to her positions at the University of North Carolina, Ms. James spent eight years practicing law at a top national corporate litigation firm in D.C. and two years with the premier education law firm in North Carolina. She earned her B.A. , M.A. and J.D. at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.