Where do the supplies MedPLUS Connect ships come from?

MedPLUS Connect receives the majority of its supplies from MedWish International, located in Cleveland, Ohio. MedWish International collects medical supplies from Cleveland area hospitals and clinics and makes these supplies available to nonprofits and mission trips to distribute. MedPLUS Connect also contacts companies and hospitals directly, seeking donations of excess inventory or extra supplies. If you are interested in donating supplies to MedPLUS Connect, please contact us at director@medplusconnect.org


Are the medical supplies and equipment new or used?

MedPLUS Connect only sends new, unused, unopened consumable supplies. (such as gloves, sutures and gauze) However, MedPLUS Connect does send used equipment, provided the equipment is in good working order (equipment such as x-ray machines, autoclave, beds and computers).


How does MedPLUS Connect know what to send hospitals?

MedPLUS Connect works directly with partner hospitals and health centers. Our partners in Ghana submit full request lists and we aim to fill shipments with items from the list, according to the order of priority given in each list. Thus, we ensure that we only send hospitals items they can and will use.


How does MedPLUS Connect deal with differences in voltage and plug types?

MedPLUS Connect includes step down voltage converters and adapters when such items are necessary.


How Can I Help?

MedPLUS Connect appreciates the hard work of its volunteers. If you are interested in helping us please contact us at director@medplusconnect.org


How can I volunteer my time or get an internship with MedPLUS Connect?

We welcome volunteers and interns! To read about the sort of things past and current interns are doing, please click here. To ask us about internship positions, please contact us at director@medplusconnect.org