In the first month of 2015, the nutrition center admitted 3 new patients to the center with 3 previous patients who returned for additional treatment. At the end of January, 4 children were rehabilitated and 2 remained in treatment. In February there were 5 new patients and 1 previous case, in addition to the 2 children who remained in treatment from January. This gave a total of 8 children being treated at the nutrition center during February, with 4 being rehabilitated by the end of the month! The nutrition center continues to be a great source of health care and information for the Lawra community, focusing not just on malnutrition but also on certain chronic diseases, which are becoming increasingly more common throughout Ghana. Ms. Gaa and hospital staff recently started a weekly hypertension and diabetes clinic for adults in the Lawra District. The clinic provides counseling on a proper diet, monitoring of nutritional status and a variety of health talks to aid adults suffering from hypertension and/or diabetes. According to the International Diabetes Federation, there were approximately 450,000 cases of diabetes in Ghana in 2014, with an additional estimated 340,000 cases that remain undiagnosed.
When the nutrition center was constructed, we envisioned its primary benefactors to be children in the area who were suffering from malnutrition. And while treating malnutrition remains the principal function of the nutrition center, we are excited to see the resources of the center also being used to reach adults in need throughout Lawra and help combat chronic diseases. Below are a few pictures of one of the weekly diabetes clinics.
Hospital staff at one of the weekly diabetes and hypertension clinics
Hospital staff at one of the weekly diabetes and hypertension clinics