As Emily and I boarded a bus to travel across northern Ghana, Brooke headed back to Accra to catch a flight to the US. She got a great job offer for the coming year, and unfortunately had to leave early. Brooke- we miss you!! We had just gained some momentum and were bumping along nicely when we came to a small bridge- never a good sign in the rainy season. The driver (seeing the half caved in bridge with huge holes) slowed for minute, seemed to consider his options, and slammed on the gas as the whole bus held a collective breath. The front of the bus flew over the gap but the back wheels (of course right where Emily and I were sitting) got caught in a hole with a huge jolt….after a few painfully long seconds of spinning wheels, we made it through and continued on our way.
Village We Passed in Northern Ghana
Other than an old women throwing up out of the window next to me, the rest of the long ride across Ghana was slow, bumpy, and fairly uneventful. A few hours into the ride, the bus stopped at the side of the road, everyone calming filed out, walked 30 feet down the road, waited for the bus to catch up, and calmly re-entered. Emily and I, along with another group of “obrunis” stood around in confusion until we were herded along by a friendly passenger…sometimes I really wish that I understood more of the local language! The last few hours of the drive to Lawra was beautiful- pockets of farmland, red dusty earth, and the occasional bicycle- it felt like we were coming home!