Lawra, an impoverished rural community in Ghana with over 23,000 children, faces serious child health and malnutrition challenges. We are building a nutrition rehabilitation center in Lawra to provide preventative care, nutrition education, and in-patient malnutrition care for children. Introducing maternal and child nutrition services can save lives, and your help can make all the difference. Double your impact! MedPLUS Connect Co-founder, 2009-2010 Executive Director, and current Board member Emily Nix will match any donation made up to $750. We have already received $500 in donations, and need another $250 to take advantage of the $750 total!
Mother Holding Child Patient in Lawra, Ghana
Also, you can join iGive to support MedPLUS Connect every time you shop! Registering on our behalf is free and can make a significant impact – like helping us send life-saving equipment or raise funds for a nutrition and rehabilitation center. Just by shopping at online stores such as BestBuy, Amazon, Staples (and many more), a portion of your purchase is donated to MedPLUS Connect. Follow the link to check it out: